Articles of the non-profit association International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR)

I General

1. The name of the non-profit association is International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR).
2. Location of the society is Tartu, Estonian Republic.
3. ISFNR is a scientific society whose objectives are to develop scholarly work in the field of folk narrative research and to stimulate contacts and the exchange of views among its members.
4. ISFNR was formed as a non-registered society in 1959, when its first congress was held in Kiel and in Copenhagen.
5. In order to achieve its goals, the ISFNR arranges international congresses and other academic forums, develops research and prepares publications.

a. The executive committee (meeting of proxies according to the Non-profit Associations Act) of the ISFNR has the right to give scholarships and travel grants.

6. The managing bodies of the ISFNR are the general meeting; general assembly taking place in connection with the ISFNR congress; the executive committee (meeting of proxies according to the Non-profit Associations Act) led by the president, both elected by the general assembly; and the management board, elected by the executive committee.
7. The congress of the society shall be held every four years. The organisation of the congress shall be entrusted to a committee chosen by members in the host country. The organising committee shall keep regular contact with the president. Non-members may be invited to the congress.
8. The general meeting, general assembly, executive committee, and management board take decisions by a simple majority of votes.
9. A resolution on the amendment of the articles of association is adopted if over two-thirds of the members or their representatives who participate in the general meeting vote in favour.
10. The financial year runs from Jan 1 until Dec 31.

II Members

11. Membership of the ISFNR takes the forms of active members, supporting members, and honorary members.

a. Any person qualified by his/her scholarly work in the field of folk narrative research may become an active member of the society.
b. Honorary members have special merits in studying, collecting or popularizing folk narratives.
c. Supporting members are natural or legal persons who support the ISFNR with monetary donation or in some other way. Supporting members are nominated by the executive committee. Supporting members cannot vote at the general meeting or at the general assembly.

12. All persons applying for membership write an application to the executive committee of the society.
13. Any member may nominate honorary members to the president at whose discretion names may be passed on to the general assembly. Honorary members shall be elected by a majority vote of the general assembly or by general acclaim.
14. Honorary members are exempt of the membership fee.
15. Upon the decision of the executive committee, a member who has not paid the membership fee for five years despite notice may be excluded from the membership list. Active members may be excluded from the ISFNR also upon one’s written application.

III Rights and obligations of members

16. Active and honorary members of the society have the following rights:

a. to take part and vote at the meetings of the society;
b. to be elected onto the executive committee, auditing committee and other bodies of the society.

17. All members have a right to get information about the activities of the society from the executive committee, management board and other bodies of the society.
18. Members of the ISFNR are obliged to:

a. follow the articles of the society and decisions of the bodies of the society;
b. pay the membership fee as fixed by the general assembly;
c. inform the executive committee and management board about one’s contact details which are necessary for maintaining the membership list.

19. Membership rights come into force only after a member has paid any membership fee that is due.

IV General meeting and general assembly

20. Notice of the general meeting shall be given at least thirty days in advance via e-mail. The management board shall call the general meeting at least once in a year to approve the annual reports, in the cases and pursuant to the procedure prescribed by law, and if it is required in the interests of the association. The management board shall also call the general meeting if at least one-tenth of the members so demand in writing indicating the reason.
21. The general meeting has the right to make decisions if at least 10% of its active and honorary members are present or represented.
22. The general meeting has the following competence:

a. amendment of the articles of the ISFNR;
b. approval of the financial report;
c. making decisions about merger, dissolution and liquidation of the ISFNR.

23. Any member of the ISFNR who is not able to attend the general meeting can authorize another member of the ISFNR as one’s representative. The authorization should be sent in written form to the president before the meeting. One member cannot represent more than three members of the ISFNR.
24. The general meeting and general assembly may be held as an online meeting.
25. The members have the right to adopt resolutions without calling the general meeting based on voting in written form. The management board shall send a draft of the resolution in writing to all members, specifying the term (min 7 days) during which the member must present his or her position on it in a format which can be reproduced in writing.
26. General assembly of the ISFNR is the general meeting, which is held once in every four years in connection with the ISFNR congress.
27. In addition to the competence, mentioned in paragraph 22 the general assembly elects the members of the executive committee and auditing committee, the president of the society; determines the membership fee; determines the time and place of the next session of the general assembly and the associated Congress; and elects honorary members.
28. Elections will normally be held by show of hands or secret ballot if requested at each fouryearly meeting of the general assembly. Candidates may be nominated on the spot by one proposing and one seconding member. The president and vice-presidents shall be eligible for immediate re-election. If there is only one candidate for any office he or she shall automatically be elected. The election of the president normally requires the vote of a simple majority of members present and voting: if this is not obtained at the first count the person receiving the highest number of votes in a second ballot shall be elected president. For all other decisions except the dissolution of the society such a simple majority shall suffice.

V Executive committee and management board

29. The main task of the executive committee is to organize the international work of the ISFNR. The executive committee (meeting of the proxies) has the competence of appointing and removing the members of the management board, their compensation, and supervision of the work of the management board.
30. The general assembly, held in connection with the ISFNR congress, will elect six to eleven members for up to four years to the executive committee. The executive committee shal consist of the president, vice-presidents representing at least five different continents, the treasurer and three ordinary members elected by the general assembly. The president may appoint a secretary to assist in the day-to-day running of the society, who may attend meetings of the executive committee but not take part in its decisions.
31. The executive committee will elect two to five members for up to four years to the management board.
32. The management board is responsible for transparent financial management of the society.
33. The management board has the right to represent the ISFNR in legal agreements and in concluding all transactions only if two members of the management board act together.

VI Auditing committee

34. The general assembly elects for the period of four years an auditing committee (two persons) from the active members of the ISFNR who will supervise the financial activities of the society. Members of the management board and the executive committee cannot belong to the auditing committee.
35. The auditing committee examines the financial activities of the ISFNR at least once during the revision period (once in a year) and presents results to the general meeting.

VII Dissolution of the ISFNR

36. The society may be dissolved at the request of a two-thirds majority of the general meeting.
37. Upon the liquidation of the society, after the claims of creditors would be satisfied, its assets are given to another international organization (or research institution) of folklore studies upon the decision of general meeting.