Digital Collections: England

All of the following collections can be downloaded for free via Google Books.


Addy, Sidney Oldall. Household Tales with Other Traditional Remains: Collected in the Counties of York, Lincoln, Derby, and Nottingham. London: David Nutt, 1895.

Baring Gould, Sabine. “Devonshire Household Tales”. Notes and Queries 3.viii (1865): 82–84.

Baring Gould, Sabine. Old English Fairy Tales. London: Methuen, 1895.

Halliwell, James Orchard. Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales: A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England. London: John Russell Smith, 1849.

Hartland, Edwin. English Fairy and Other Folk Tales: Selected and Edited, with an Introduction. London: Walter Scott, 1890.

Henderson, William. Notes on the Folk-lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders. London: Longman, Green, 1866.

Hunt, Robert. Popular Romances of the West of England, or The Drolls, Traditions and Superstitions of Old Cornwall. 2 vols. London: John Camden Hotton, 1865.

Jacobs, Joseph. English Fairy Tales. London: David Nutt, 1890.

Jacobs, Joseph. More English Fairy Tales. London: David Nutt, 1894.

Sternberg, T. “Popular Stories of the English Peasantry, No. 1”. Notes and Queries 1.5 (1852): 363–364.

Sternberg, T. “Popular Stories of the English Peasantry, No. 1”. Notes and Queries 1.5 (1852): 363–364.

Tibbits, Charles John. Folk-Lore and Legends: English. London: W. W. Gibbings, 1890.