Articles of the non-profit association International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR)

Adopted by the VII General Assembly of the ISFNR on August 16, 1979 and amended by the Xth General Assembly on January 8, 1995

Art 1 The International Society for Folk Narrative Research is a scientific society whose objectives are to develop scholarly work in the field of folk narrative research and to stimulate contacts and the exchange of views among its members.
Art 2 The official seat of the Society shall be the office of the current President.
Art 3 The fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.
Art 4 The Society shall be composed of (a) honorary members, (b) active members, and (c) supporting members.
Art 5 Any person qualified by his scholarly work in the field of folk narrative research may become a member of the Society. Requests for membership, supported by two members, shall be examined and decided on by the Membership Committee. The names of the new members shall be circulated to all members before each General Assembly or announced at that Assembly.
Art 6 Individuals or institutions, who, without conditions of any kind, place at the disposal of the Society a single contribution of at least $ 200 or an annual contribution of at least $ 20, may become supporting members of the Society.
Art 7 Any member may nominate honorary members to the President at whose discretion names may be passed on to the general assembly. Honorary members shall be elected by a majority vote of the General Assembly or by general acclaim.
Art 8 The Organs of the Society are:
  1. The General Assembly
  2. The Executive Committee
  3. The Membership Committee
  4. Special committees.
Art 9 The General Assembly shall consist of at least 10 % of the active or honorary members of the Society, each member having one vote. As a rule the General Assembly will meet every four years. The President of the Society shall convoke the members at least one year in advance. The duties of the General Assembly shall be:
  1. To elect the President, Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and ordinary members of the Executive Committee
  2. To elect honorary members
  3. To determine the time and place of the next session of the general assembly and the associated Congress
  4. To fix membership dues
  5. To amend the statues or dissolve the Society if required
  6. To decide on any other matter laid before it by the Executive Committee.
Art 10 Elections will normally be held by show of hands or secret ballot if requested at each four-yearly meeting of the General Assembly. Candidates may be nominated on the spot by one proposing and one seconding member. The President and Vice-President shall be eligible for immediate re-election. If there is only one candidate for any office he or she shall automatically be elected. The election of the President normally requires the vote of a simple majority of members present and voting: if this is not obtained at the first count the person receiving the highest number of votes in a second ballot shall be elected President. For all other decisions except the dissolution of the Society such a simple majority shall suffice.
Art 11 The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Chairtnan of the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and three ordinary members elected by the General Assembly. The President may appoint a Secretary to assist in the day-to-day running of the Society, who may attend meetings of the Executive Committee but not take part in its decisions. The Executive Committee shall decide upon:
  1. Proposals to be submitted to the General Assembly
  2. The termination of membership in accordance with article 16
  3. Contacts with other international organisations.
The Committee shall be convened at least once before every meeting of the General Assembly.
Art 12 The President shall be responsible for convening meetings of the Executive Committee and General Assembly, and between such meetings for the day-to-day administration of the Society, with the assistance of the Secretary and Treasurer.
Art 13 There shall be six Vice-Presidents elected by the General Assembly, of whom at least five should normally represent different continents. Along with the President they shall form the Membership Committee of the Society, under a chairman to be elected by the Vice-Presidents from their own number.
Art 14 Committees to undertake special tasks or to study special problems in the field of folk narrative research may be appointed by the general assembly. They will elect their own chairmen and must be guided by the terms of reference laid down for them by the General Assembly.
Art 15 The Congress of the Society shall be held every four years in connection with the General Assembly. The organisation of the Congress shall be entrusted to a committee chosen by members in the host country. The organising committee shall keep regular contact with the President. Non-members may be invited to the Congress. The official languages shall be English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.
Art 16 The annual membership dues shall be fixed by the General Assembly. Acceptable methods of payment shall be proposed to the General Assembly by the Executive Committee. Any active member who has not paid dues for more than five years despite notice may be excluded from the list of members by the Executive Committee.
Art 17 Amendments to the statutes shall be decided upon a simple majority of the General Assembly. Proposals must be made by at least five members of the Society and submitted to the President one year before the next meeting of the General Assembly. Any proposal for modification of the statutes must be circulated to all members before the meeting of the Assembly.
Art 18 The Society may be dissolved at the request of a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly. In this case such assets as there may be are to be placed at the disposal of an international scientific society of similar character. In no case may assets of the Society be distributed among members.